She's the love interest of a local patrician, but perhaps if you ask her to dance, you can win her over.   A story-based rhythm game set in New England in the 18th century, you will shoot for perfection in a series of short dances, where you must keep the steps in mind and show the rhythm in your, well, in your fingers.

Please use headphones to hear the insects in the fields and the fire in the inn.

Keying (alternative keying in parentheses) is below, and is also taught in the game:

1. Shuffle left/right:  left/right arrows (or A/D)

2. Hop : up arrow (W)

3. Clap: X (K)

4. Spin: C (J)

5. Link Arms: Z (L)

Use the Spacebar to advance dialogue, and use the P key to open and close your dance notes.

This game was made in two weeks for the Cozy Autumn Game Jam (2023).  I used the Jam's optional Autumn Harvest 37 palette (available at Lospec, by mysunnyrose), with some modifications.  All programming, art, animations, music, sound effects and fonts were made by me.  I hope you enjoy it -- please don't hesitate to leave comments!

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(1 edit)

very nice idea but the character stops some times to dance or dont follow keys. Example: i press left arrow after space and not move. Maybe you have it very fast or in my computer is very fast? Maybe you must enter an option very slow, slow, normal? I found out that if i begin before start countdown and simply repeat the movements many times until cover all combinations of the dance i am ok!